6-th International sport games in Nish, Serbia

6-th International sport games in Nish, Serbia

Дelegation of IPA Region Skopje as well as the delegations of IPA Region Shtip, IPA Region Strumica and IPA Region Bitola or a total of 78 members of IPA North Macedonia took part in the 6th International Sports Games held in Nis. Serbia.
The President of IPA North Macedonia, Mr. Robertino Aceski also attended the gala dinner.
In addition to the host and twin region of IPA Skopje, Regija Nis from Serbia, Regija Belgrade , Ipa Regija Južnibanat South Banat , Regija Shumadija, Regija Bor , Regija Krushevac and Pristina also participated in these games.
From Bosnia and Herzegovina the regions Brcko, Doboj, Bijeljina, Sarajevo and RC Herzegovina – Livno.
The members of IPA North Macedonia competed in indoor soccer, air pistol and archery .
IPA Region Skopje won third place in the archery competition and third and second place in indoor soccer.

We take this opportunity to thank the hosts for the excellent organization and the President of the IPA Regija Nish, Sasa Spasic.
